Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Road Season Begins

It is the week leading up to the first road game of the 2013 season and the excitement level is almost as high as the panic level.  Bears are 2 and 0 and we hope to get back from the first trip 4 and 0.   The Coach and I are reviewing the game plan for not only this trip, but for the entire road season.  We think we have all the phases ready to go, but we won't know for sure until we finally hit the road.   Just as the Bears rely on all four phases to make a win happen, we have our four phases as well.  Our "Offense" is our drive plan.  Where and when to go, where to stop and where to stay.   Our "Defense" is our emergency plans.   What to do if there is a breakdown, how to ensure we still get to the game, what to do if the weather is bad and the like.   Our "Special Teams" is the plan for between the games.   Working from the road, entertainment and communication plans.   And finally our  "Fourth Phase", this blog and all of you who are rooting for the Bears and following us on our Epic Journey.    We have the RV ready to go, all the campgrounds are reserved (no small feat for later in the year) and now we are just waiting the last couple of days until it is time to hit the road.   We will let you know what we see, fun places we find along the way, comments and observations on the stadiums and fans for the opposition, and of course our interactions with other Bear fans we meet along the way.   If you see a large RV towing a Jeep behind with Bear stickers everywhere - give us a honk and let us know you too support our Bears on their epic 2013 march to the Super Bowl.

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