Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Culinary Trail

One of the things we like to do is to try the "food of the city".   Many of the cities and regions in our country have items that are either unique to that area, or at least strongly identified with a particular place.   Think of Philadelphia cheesesteak, Chicago style pizza, hot dogs and italian beef, Buffalo chicken wings and the like.   So when we were in Pittsburgh we checked out the local fare.   They have something called a Pittsburgh style sandwich.  Originally made famous by a local restaurant called Primanti Brothers.   Primanti Brothers has been serving up these "delicacies" since 1933 and has locations all around Pittsburgh and a few in Florida.    Being traditionalists we headed for the original home of the Pittsburgh style sandwich at their first location.   I could wax poetic about this place for pages.   None of it would be true, but I could.   The location was a bit sketchy.  The restaurant was a dump.  More a bar with a room added on and very heavy with "atmosphere".   The service was somewhere between horrible and rude. Unfortunately those were the highlights of the visit to Pittsburgh culinary heaven.   A Pittsburgh style sandwich is meat (your choice) with coleslaw, a thin slice of tomato,  and greasy french fries all loaded on a thick slice of crusty white bread and covered by a second slice of the same tasteless bread.   The recommended meat choice is "Angus Strip" steak.   I believe the strip they picked came from the hide.   The other choices were ground meat, pastrami, knockwurst, tuna fish and many others.   As you are probably guessing, I was not overly fond of this creation.   It was TERRIBLE.   The best part was......There was no best part.   I have a picture below.

Trust me - it is not as tasty as it looks.
Coach's comment: Served on sheets of paper, not plates. Part of the "charm".

The next place we stopped on our culinary tour was Delaware, OH.   It is sort of on the way from Pittsburgh to Detroit by way of the Hall of Fame in Canton and a stop we needed to make near Delaware for the Coach to meet with someone for work.   Delaware, and Columbus in general, does not have a food that is special to the city, but anyone who goes through Ohio has to have heard of Skyline Chili.   As it happens there was a Skyline chili near where we were camped and so off to try this staple we went.   Now I am not going to tell you that Skyline chili is the finest thing I have eaten.  I am not totally sure I even like the sweet chili flavor they have, though cinnamon in your chili is an interesting twist.  (Note they won't confirm that there is cinnamon in their secret recipe, but it certainly tastes like there is.)  What I will tell you is that it is a satisfying meal and if someone told me that was where we were going for dinner I would not say no.   What I will also tell you is I have never been to a restaurant anywhere that took better care of me, was more interested in having me as a customer or provided better service then this Skyline Chili.  From the cherry hello when we walked in the door, to the enthusiastic way they explained to the "5 way chili virgins" their menu, to the service from the waitress, the manager coming over to see how we liked our first experience all the way to the thank you and come back to see us at the end it was a delightful experience.  

Now one of the most interesting things about Skyline is that if this is your first visit, and you take their recommendation to order one of the house specialties, that item is on the house.  Since we ordered the 4-way and 5-way chili  and a pair of coney dogs, our tab for that, and our drinks, was zero.  All we paid for were the exceptional funnel cake fries we had for desert.  They also give you a goody bag with some of their stuff to take with you.   I was already over the top about the great service we were getting and so this was just the frosting on the cake if you will, but it made me want to figure out a way to come back on one of the other trips to stop in again.    The end result is that the total bill for the two of us was under $3 for our meal.   And if there is anyone I can tell about Skyline I will.   The experience was that great and we were made to feel that welcome.  

Now when I contrast the Skyline experience with the Primanti Brothers experience.  Well lets just say there is only one of them I would ever consider sending anyone I know to visit.   I don't even dislike Packer fans enough to send them to Primanti Brothers and that is saying something.

Odd Couples: Unlikely Matchups Among Fans

Sitting outside Heinz Field, Thurston and I had the perfect vantage point to spot fans arriving for the game. When we saw a pedicab cruise by with one guy in a Roethlisberger and another guy in a Cutler jersey, we decided to feature some of these die hard fans and game day frenemy pairs in our blog.  So here we have the Odd Couples for the Steelers vs Bears matchup.
These two ladies are best friends - except on game day.

This pair inspired us to show the rest.

View from the Visitors' Side: Heinz Field

Heinz Field, Where the Steelers Play Ketchup

Coming into Pittsburg from the southwest, you first catch a glimpse of the field as you emerge from a tunnel –  how appropriate!  There it is, in glowing, garish yellow, right on the river front.  It’s a tall stadium, horseshoe shaped, and open on the end facing the river. Did they run out of money or just know they couldn’t sell out tickets if they had seats all around their stadium?  They filled in the empty space with a scoreboard array that pictures just don’t do justice.  Not only is there a tacky Heinz label right in the center, but there are giant ketchup bottles on both sides.  When the Steelers have the ball, the caps of these giant bottles open up.  If the Steelers make it into the Red Zone, then the jumbotron animates the ketchup pouring into it to create the Red Zone screen.  Words escape me.

Our seats were great, on the Club level at the 40. Fans around us were fairly tolerant of the cheering and victory-song-singing of the approx 8% Bears fans in the stadium.  Toward the end of the game, Steelers fans were getting pretty frustrated, and unhappy with the constant Bears celebrations. They love their team – until they are hopelessly behind, at which point they head for the door like a stampeding herd of buffalo.

Fortunately, we were in the gray seat section.  It is a very bright "road hazard sign" yellow!

The open end of the stadium, filled with food stands, etc.
4th quarter exodus ...

Giant Ketchup Bottles!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fan Fashion Report: Pittsburgh

Fans show their colors no matter which team they support. In Pittsburgh, the yellow and black was everywhere.  But some of these fans were real standouts.

First, we have the Luche Libre, serape and sombrero.

Honoring Hispanic Heritage
Then, since he's not in red, we have a bishop.

Yes, that woman is taking a picture of his ring.  I tried to get a picture of a woman kissing the ring, but I was laughing too hard. BTW - it's a Superbowl ring.  No idea who this is or where he got the ring, or if it's real.

Steal the show

Yesterday was the first game out on the road and the Coach and I wanted to make the most of it.   We got an early start and headed for the stadium.   Revising our plans after finding a parking lot across from the field we parked and headed for the closest Bar/Restaurant we could see.   This happened to be one owned by Jerome Bettis.   After being told there was an hour and a half wait (it was currently 7.5 hours before kickoff), we decided to keep looking.  Two doors down there was a sports bar/restaurant with immediate seating and multiple screens showing all the games, including the Packers/Bengals and the Vikings/Browns games.   Perfect.  We settled in for a long afternoon of cheering on our 2nd favorite team - whomever was beating the Packers.   There were several other tables in the small restaurant with other Bears fans and more of us in the bar.   All in all it was not a whole lot different from any sports bar in Chicago as almost half the people there were Bears fans and cheering loudly for the downfall of the hated Packers.   Finally - success was visited on all our hopes and we were able to cheer not only the Packers failure but the Vikings as well.   The day was off to a great start.

As it happens we had a table near the window overlooking the riverwalk which led to the stadium.   So we were treated to an ongoing flow of Steelers fans.   The Coach will be posting an entry with some of the pictures of these odd looking creatures.

After the delight of seeing the Packers lose we wandered about to check out what else was in the area and came across some of the oddest couples you will ever want to see.   We will be doing another post on these, but as a spoiler I can tell you it started with a pedicab rolling down the main road in front of Heinz field with two beings in the back wearing jerseys proclaiming them to be Cutler and Roethlisberger.   Would wonders never cease.

Heinz field is a very nice looking stadium overlooking the river and all in all a very comfortable place to watch a football game.   The fans were generally nice, if a bit disparaging about their teams current prospects.   I was reminded of a story I was told of a Bears fan going to see a game in Detroit a few years ago during the height of their lows and the Bears fan having to try and rally the Lions fans to have some spirit and fight.

Needless to say, the night just kept getting better and better as the Bears put a beating on the Steelers.   I  wonder at their seeming need to let their opponent get close to make the game more exciting, but all in all it was great fun.   At the start of the game there were about 7-8% Bears fans.   By the end it was probably the inverse.   Nothing quite like the fun of a rousing chant of "Lets Go Bears" in someone else's stadium that is loud enough to be heard  on the field.

I would like to close by pointing out two odd things about Heinz field.    The first is their choice of company for naming rights.    Not for the field, but for the gates.  People's Gas apparently paid for the naming rights for the gates.   So you get to enter through Peoples Gate A, B or C.   Very socialist in nature.  "Go around the corner to the Peoples Gate" and all that.   The second is the scoreboard.   Located on the main scoreboard in the stadium are two large bottles of Ketchup.   When the Steelers cross the 20 into the "red zone" the bottle caps open up and rivers of Ketchup seem to flow into the screen which fills up with the stuff creating the "Steelers Red Zone".   Very surreal.

Well that's it for this installment of our Epic Season.   Tomorrow we leave for the Hall of Fame and will be camping there for the night.   We will update you on anything exciting that happens there or along the way.  For now keep practicing the Song.   "Bear Down Chicago Bears....." because you never know when they will score and you will need to start singing at the top of your lungs.  Oh and get strange looks from all the people around you too of course.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Soggy in Pittsburgh

We have arrived here in Pittsburgh (well officially Washington, PA).   It has been raining pretty much constantly since yesterday afternoon.   So far we have met a few Steeler fans and they all have been fairly nice.   Of course one of them was telling us the story about when he met Butkas - you know that coach of the Bears.   No wait - Ditka - yeah that was him - back when McMahon was the quarterback.   Then he went on for a bit and I don't think most of it was firmly based in reality, so I am not sure if his being nice can be counted.   We are going to check out the stadium tonight and determine how to get there and where to park, then a long day of football waiting for the chance to see the Bears beat the  Steelers.  Tomorrow they are having a scratch off giveaway and one of the prizes is a chance to join the "Terrible Towel Twirl" out on the field before the game.  I wonder how they will handle it if the Coach or I win and we haul out our Bears Towels (yes we brought Bears towels with) and twirl those around?

We will let you know more tomorrow before the game and after the Victory.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Road Season Begins

It is the week leading up to the first road game of the 2013 season and the excitement level is almost as high as the panic level.  Bears are 2 and 0 and we hope to get back from the first trip 4 and 0.   The Coach and I are reviewing the game plan for not only this trip, but for the entire road season.  We think we have all the phases ready to go, but we won't know for sure until we finally hit the road.   Just as the Bears rely on all four phases to make a win happen, we have our four phases as well.  Our "Offense" is our drive plan.  Where and when to go, where to stop and where to stay.   Our "Defense" is our emergency plans.   What to do if there is a breakdown, how to ensure we still get to the game, what to do if the weather is bad and the like.   Our "Special Teams" is the plan for between the games.   Working from the road, entertainment and communication plans.   And finally our  "Fourth Phase", this blog and all of you who are rooting for the Bears and following us on our Epic Journey.    We have the RV ready to go, all the campgrounds are reserved (no small feat for later in the year) and now we are just waiting the last couple of days until it is time to hit the road.   We will let you know what we see, fun places we find along the way, comments and observations on the stadiums and fans for the opposition, and of course our interactions with other Bear fans we meet along the way.   If you see a large RV towing a Jeep behind with Bear stickers everywhere - give us a honk and let us know you too support our Bears on their epic 2013 march to the Super Bowl.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


As any true Bears fan knows, part of the fun of the game is the Pre-Game Tailgate party.   We are fortunate to have a parking pass for the Waldron deck and are able to have a tailgate party for our friends and family before the games.   Well anyway, before the games where the weather cooperates at least a little bit.   The opening day game was just such an occasion and it found us picking people up at 7:00 AM in order to get down to the field and fire up the grill.   We decided to go with a simple menu for this start of the season.   Sort of a limited playbook to start things off if you will.   We had the classic marinated skirt steaks with grilled onions, a wild boar roast with a cajan char crust, korean seasoned roast, and italian sausages.  We also baked some potatoes au gratin for a side dish as well.

Now I know a few people may say something like "This does not seem like a simple tailgate menu to me".  I know people may say that because several people have already said it to me.   But you need to stay tuned as we continue through the season.   The tailgates will get more elaborate and epic as our Epic Season continues.

I have been asked a few times about the grill we use.   It is from a company called Go Galley and it is the ultimate in tailgate grilling equipment.   I am not in any way affiliated with this company, but I am including a link here for those that are interested because I am just that impressed with this grill and how it is taking our tailgating up to the next level.
Go Galley

Training Camp - Family Night, August 3, 2013

Training camp is a time full of anticipation and excitement.  The fresh-faced rookies are a mix of scared and scary.  The new Bears promotional theme says it all:

So Family Night is a tradition we love. It's a night of training camp, not a game. But after the off-season has dragged on forever,  Soldier Field is welcoming us back. The players are in full uniform, pads, and helmets - we are, most definitely, ready for some football!

At Family Night, we got a chance to see some of the new players, and to check on how the old favorites were shaping up for the season.  There were some standouts to be sure.  Kyle Long, our top draft pick, was looking sharp.  He seems very motivated, which is just what we need.  Martellus Bennett also looked good, along with Alshon Jeffrey - just the threats we need on the field to take some of the heat off Marshall and Forte.  Both of them looked excellent.  There were a lot of good things on the field that night, but what kept getting my attention was the new head coach, Trestman.  He wasn't just standing on the sidelines working on his crossword puzzle.  He was working closely with his players.  And those two words, "his players" spoke volumes about the bonds he was building with them.  They are going to really come together as a team, and it's showing on the field.  

That's Trestman, right on the number 40, watching the line as Cutler takes a snap.  I've got a good feeling about him. :)

The Epic Season ... and so it begins

For the longest time, it was just a crazy dream.  Someday, maybe, it might be possible to go to every Chicago Bears game for an entire season, all the home games, and all the away games.  An Epic Season, following the Bears, traveling in the RV - but it was just a dream.  That is, it was just a dream, until January 2013, when Bruce asked me if I'd go with him, to make that dream a reality.  I could not pass up such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity -- I agreed immediately!  And now, in September of 2013, we are beginning on the amazing journey.

It's taken a lot of planning and preparation to reach this point.  It was agonizing waiting for the schedule of games to come out.  First came the list of this year's opponents - Philadelphia Eagles, Pittsburgh Steelers, Washington Redskins, Dallas Cowboys, New Orleans Saints, New York Giants, Baltimore Ravens, Cincinnati Bengals, St. Louis Rams, and Cleveland Browns, plus the usual games home and away versus the Green Bay Packers, the Minnesota Vikings,  and the Detroit Lions.  Finally, the schedule was published, and we could reserve campgrounds and plan the itinerary. It's going to be epic!  

From training camp all the way to the Superbowl, we will share this incredible journey with the readers.  Check back for updates from the road and from home.  GO BEARS!!!