Sunday, November 8, 2015

Chargers Game Day - Tomorrow

Today is supposed to be football day.  It is Sunday, the holy day of sitting and watching the ultimate in sporting events.  A day dedicated to the body of the holy chicken wing done in the style of Buffalo and the blood of the hop done into a great beer.  From Noon on into the night we are treated to game after game and the chance to root for our beloved Bears.  But no, we play on Monday and so while we were privileged to see Green Bay fall in defeat, we had to watch it starting at 10:00 in the morning.  Something about the whole process seemed wrong.

But we were able to at least go in the afternoon in search of the fish taco.  By general agreement all the best fish tacos were to be had in food trucks.  So after noting the locations of a few of the highest rated and most recommended we set out.   The first spot we found was Mariscos el Prieto.  This is the the height of the food truck concept.  They have a person in the parking lot directing traffic and helping people in and out of spots.  They have a large table set up outside the food truck under a tent to give customers a spot to stand and eat.  They have made a deal with the cell phone shop they set up in front of to allow patrons to use the bathroom in the store.  The have a cauldron of seafood consume set up boiling away to give customers something to eat while they are waiting for their order.  And wait they do.  On a Sunday at 3:00 there was a line of people waiting to order and it took a good 10-15 minutes after you placed your order before you hear your name called out.  So was it worth the wait?  The shrimp cocktail that the Coach ordered came out first.  They have four sizes and she selected the chico.  A good thing because it came served in a 16 oz clear plastic cup and was filled with 1/3 of a pound of shrimp.  Not bad for $6.   And it tasted great.   Basically shrimp in a thin salsa.   Next came the tacos.  Between us we had three, marlin, "fish" and shrimp a la diabla.  The marlin was the best of the three.  Tasty chunks of marlin in a slightly spicy sauce with peppers.  The "fish" was the next best.  Interestingly they make their fish tacos here out with breaded fish.  The taco was quite good with slaw and a crema sauce.  Limes, pickled onions and radishes are available to be added to any of the tacos as are three kinds of sauces and salsas in bottles on the table.  The shrimp a la diabla had great shrimp, but the sauce was a bit salty and not all that spicy.   But it was still a good taco.  

Next we headed for another food truck Mariscos El Pescador.  This truck was also set up quite nicely if not up to the standard of the previous one.  They had a much larger selection of offerings however and the advantage of speaking at least some English.    They had a tv set up under their tent to show the football games.  Unfortunately their tacos were not up to the standard set by el Prieto.  The fish taco was good, but not outstanding and the octopus taco was good but nothing spectacular.  Service here was slower if possible then el Preto.  Their sauces were also a bit off and very very salty.

We did not try the other two places on our list out of the fear that we might be silly enough to order something and eat it and explode. 

So in summary - fish tacos were good.  I still prefer grilled fish tacos to breaded fish tacos, but an interesting and tasty signature dish in all events.

We then went to Qualcomm stadium.  Unfortunately they don't let you near the stadium.  All the entry gates are closed off to the lots and access roads and so we can only give you the impression that it is right off the highway.  How that will translate into ease of access and exit only tomorrow will tell.

So at this point I leave you saying - GO Bears - Green Bay Sucks!!

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