Monday, October 20, 2014

At Home against the Dolphins

You know what is really bad - watching the Bears lose a game in an away stadium and having to put up with the taunts of the home team crowd.  You know what I have discovered is worse.  Watching the Bears lose yet again at home and do it in a horrible, terrible, no heart manner.   And having to put up with the taunts of the home team crowd and the team.  Yes that would be us.  Bears fans need to support their team, but it is awfully hard to do so when it seems like they are the only ones trying.  To then hear the Bears players complaining that the crowd was not loud enough on third downs when the opposing team was on the field and using that as a reason why the defense could not get a stop is simply absurd.  I am not sure what excuse they were using in the first half when the crowd was loud and they still couldn't stop the Dolphins.  And while I am never a fan of booing the home team, I can almost understand the frustration that led others to do just that.

For those who do not know what this mini rant is about, the Bears lost at home yet again.  They are now 0-3 at home for the season.  In at least two of the games they should have had a good chance to win, but didn't seem to show any fire or desire.  For example 4 dropped passes in a row on the last possession to eliminate any chance of catching up.  Bad throws to receivers on wide receiver screens that were out of the reach of the receiver.  No blocking by the other wideout on those same screens when the receiver did catch the ball.  Four fumbles (two of them lost) and an interception.   The list could go on for pages.  Basically the defense was not good and they looked like all pro bowl caliber by comparison with the offense.  I think we can sum it up by saying before the last drive of the first half the Bears had under 30 yards of total offense.

After the game several Bears players struck out a the fans for not supporting the team by being loud enough and because many of the fans booed the home team after a couple of particularly bad series.

I am not an NFL coach and I won't try and second guess Trestman, but he needs to figure out why the team plays so much better and with so much more passion on the road compared with being at home and he needs to change it.  Losing is one thing.  Looking like beaten dogs instead of Bears is something else.  The only person who really seemed to be fired up Sunday was Ratliff with 3.5 sacks and over a half dozen tackles.    Compare that with the week before and ... well their is no comparison.

Enough ..... There was no Dolphins - there is only New England.   Bears - Bear Down on the Patriots.

After the game we went to the Publican public house.    This is a great restaurant serving small plates (and not so small plates).  The food was very good overall and the cured meats and vegetable dishes were great.  The Pumpkin Swordfish was outstanding.  And the Blood Sausage was also very very good.   I would highly recommend that anyone who has a taste for good food, great service, fun atmosphere and unusual dishes give the Publican a try.

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