Saturday, November 30, 2013

Weathering the Storm

It's been a season filled with the unexpected, but none more surprising than the Tornado Bowl.

As we drove to the stadium, the clouds were looking ominous, and predictions were that the storm would hit downtown during the game.  In front of the storm came the wind.  It was so strong that the 4th Phase flag was not carried out onto the field - I can only imagine what the 40-50 mph wind would have done to the 40 yd x 20 yd flag and the fans holding its edges.

As the Bears prepared to kick off, I glanced at the ribbons on the ends of the goal posts.  I expected to see them sticking straight out.  I didn't expect to see the ribbons all pointing in toward the center of the field - the wind was being swirled by both ends of the stadium into the middle!  Pretty unbelievable conditions.

Prior to the kickoff, warnings were played on the jumbotron and PA, preparing everyone in the event we needed to evacuate to an indoor location.  It was a day when we really appreciated our seats in the club section, under the overhang, and close to shelter.  Midway through the first quarter, the tornado sirens went off in Chicago, and the crowd evacuated the stadium.  Through the windows of the club we could see just how dark and stormy things got, but we were comfortably bored.  The lights stayed on, but the cable feed to watch the other games gave out. :(

When we went back out to the stadium the it was sunny and around 65 degrees.  Thurston was regretting that he'd left his hat in the car, because the sun was so bright.  Halfway through the 2nd quarter, the temperature dropped from 60's to 30's.  We were freezing, and the wind continued for the rest of the game.  It was absolutely a stunning performance by Robbie Gould to kick the winning field goal in the middle of a "tornado".  The Tornado Bowl is a game we'll remember for a long time.

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