Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Coping with Loss

It is inevitable.   Unless you happen to have been a Dolphins fan for only one season and that the 1972 season, you are going to have to face up to having watched your beloved team lose.   This is always worse if you happen to be at the game.  It is worse yet if that game happens to be in another team's stadium.  If you were being a bit "rambunctious" before the game - well let's just say you are probably going to deserve whatever you get.   And get it we did.   The Bears lost.   No wait, they were destroyed.   The score may have only shown an 8 point loss at the end and it may have been a whole different thing if they had recovered the on-side kick, but the reality is that other than a couple of small bright spots, they were handled by the Lions.   And all the bluster, all the "well as a Lion's fan I guess you are used to being at the bottom so everything must look up up to you.", all the swagger in the world is not going to provide a bit of defense when your quarterback seems to have drunk from the "Bad Rex" fountain.    I am not sure what it is with the Bears and quarterbacks and why consistency seems to be a four letter word, but while the rest of the team certainly didn't help much, there isn't anything you can say about 3 picks and a fumble leading directly to 17 points that is going to shift much blame anywhere else.    Anyway - tomorrow is another day, and Sunday is another game and hope springs eternal as we are counting on "Good Rex" - no wait - Good Cutler to show up and give Drew Brees a run for his money in the quarterbacking show.

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